Cloud Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which Is More Affordable?

Cloud Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which Is More Affordable?

Cloud Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which Is More Affordable?

Usually, most websites start with a basic and affordable web hosting plan, such as Shared Hosting, as the number of visitors and the resource requirement is low. However, as you outgrow a Shared Hosting plan, you need to upgrade to VPS Hosting, Cloud Server Hosting, or Dedicated Server Hosting.

A Dedicated Server is a powerful hosting option but can cost a lot since the site is the sole user of a web server. Hence, most site owners consider VPS or Web Cloud Hosting as an affordable option.

So, which of these two should you choose? Today, we will compare VPS and Cloud Hosting in India and try to help you find the most affordable option.

What is VPS Hosting?

In VPS Hosting, your website resides on a virtual server. The hosting provider uses server virtualization techniques to create multiple virtual servers on a single web server. Each virtual server has account isolation, full root access, and dedicated resources.

What is Cloud Hosting?

When you buy Cloud Hosting, your website data is hosted across a powerful cloud network. The site’s data is mirrored across the cloud network, making it a reliable, scalable, redundant and secure hosting option.

VPS & Cloud Hosting – Affordability

The following video lists the top four differences between VPS Server Hosting and Cloud Hosting:

4 Major Differences Between VPS Hosting and Cloud Hosting

When you look at the affordability of a web hosting plan, it is important to focus on cost-efficiency as opposed to opting for the cheaper option. While the price of the hosting plan will depend on the resources, server specifications, and support required, before comparing costs, it is important to assess your site’s hosting requirements.

VPS Hosting offers dedicated resources, an isolated hosting environment, and full root access that allow you to create a customized hosting environment. Hence, if your site needs this level of control and customization, then a VPS is a better option. On the other hand, a Cloud Hosting plan offers limited customization options.

Cloud Hosting vs VPS Hosting: The Differences – LedzWorld

One of the best features of Cloud Hosting is instant resource scalability. In today’s times, with search engines and social media platforms being the primary drivers of online traffic, predicting the number of visitors has become impossible. A single post going viral on a social media platform can result in an unexpected spike in site traffic. While this is the time when the site is gaining popularity, if you don’t have adequate resources, then the site can face performance issues or even crash.

However, with Cloud Hosting, you don’t have to worry about such issues since you can add resources at the click of a button. If your site is active on social media platforms, or if you have a high-traffic website, then Cloud Hosting becomes a better option.

Summing Up

There is no clear winner between VPS and Cloud Hosting when it comes to affordability. This is because every website is unique and has specific hosting requirements. However, it is important to remember that the cost of not buying a hosting service that is perfect for your site’s needs can be much higher than the cost of the hosting plan.

Hence, ensure that you assess your site’s needs, compare plans, and choose the most cost-efficient option. Good Luck!